Wednesday, March 18, 2009

3/18/09 Email home

This week has actually been super crazy. I got called to be the AP(assistant to the President) last Sunday, so now there is so much on my plate, on top of what I was already trying to do. I am actually a little ahead of everyone on the language side of things, so I'm glad I wont fall behind with the extra meetings that I will have to go to and what not. Each night I walk around to the rest of my districts that I have to make sure everything's good and I have to learn a lot more Portuguese because there are some Brazilian districts. Its really awesome to be able to just be able to just see how everyone is developing while they are here at the CTM. The Brazilians stay for 19 days so we get a chance to talk to and meet a lot of these guys. The way cool thing is they have such amazing stories to tell and they are trying to learn English as much as we are trying to learn Portuguese so it equals out with us teaching each other.

As for this week its been actually really good. We went to the Sao Paolo temple today and it was really cool but yet again people were thinking I was Brazilian. So one day I definitely need to get on top of that whole language thing so I can talk back with out having to be like 'what? what? what?' lol. One day.

Last night we had a speaker come and talk to us and he was actually really cool. He talked to us about how if we put our priorities in order by putting first things first then we get the second things thrown in there as well but if we put the second things first then we lose both. And that is so true. All things will fall into place if we just strive to do the best in the things we need to do.
Well we don"t have much time to talk but I hope you get the letter as well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I didn't even know you were on a journey like this. It's amazing! Im so proud of you and I support you fully I miss you Justin and your in my prayers while traveling, well always! Be safe!

Danielle Myers