Wednesday, September 9, 2009

09/09/09 Email

Hey everyone,
Things here have been going pretty well. We didn’t have much success this week and it was a little hard but something happened yesterday that was pretty cool. We were walking on the main road here called Francisco Derosso and usually there are a lot of people on this road but it was pretty empty because of the holidays and the fact that it was raining didn’t help at all. But we ran into this guy who was just broken down. Telling us that he has lost everything and how Jesus doesn’t love him. We had the opportunity to share the 1st lesson about how much God loves us and all the things that he has given us. He loves us so much that he has called another prophet to guide us in these days. We could see a difference that this made for him. He told us all the work that we are doing is not in vain. And that God sent us to him. He doesn’t live in our area but it was a blessing to run into this man. At this point in the day we were kind of down and didn’t have anything planned for the day and we just thought that the day was just a waste. But we got a little boost with this guy. Well that was just one cool thing that happened this week.
Yeah I usually send more than one when I send via missionties. Like to bishop and what not. But I guess in the box, I have a vest in my room somewhere in the armario that is black but has red and white in it as well. Ummm, reeses, pretzels almond bark, ritz cheese, hamburger helper. Whatever else you want to send would be cool.
What was the new movie called that you went to see? Was it good?
Only 3 months left for Jordan? Is he pretty excited? He doesn’t know whether he wants school or a job?

Well hope everything is going well with everyone back home. Things here are going, its been raining the last 3 days and its supposed to rain until Saturday. We have some different activities going on this week, a fireside on Sunday that should be really good. We have the mission president attending, so hopefully it will spark some fire with the references here.
Take care everyone, have a great week!

Elder Mitchell

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