Wednesday, September 30, 2009

09/30/09 Email

Hey yeah I am doing well here. Soccer has been super fun. Last week the other elders came down so that was fun to play with them. The week was pretty good. We had a stake conference last week and so that was really good. It was on the process of sanctification. Talking about how its an ongoing process and sometimes we can be really close but let others bring us down. This happens in a lot of areas in our lives. We get far in our business or in school or whatever and we let someone else decide what we will do and sometimes it brings down.

But I didn't go on the division with the other elder. They were super busy I guess and so it didn't go as planned. But the English lessons are super fun. They are a little wild at times but its still cool.

But yeah things are changing everyday and I will be super far behind when I get back to school. LOL But it will be fun to try to catch up. In the netbook do they have cd drives and everything or do you need external?

I think we will play soccer today, but we are going to pass by Andre´s house to make sure. He doesn't get home from school until 12 and I have been up since 6:30. So we decided to leave the house. We played soccer golf this morning. It was fun. Soccer golf is just like golf but with a soccer ball. You have different obstacles to go around and you kick the ball to get there. We played in our house. It was loud. We are on the 3rd floor. I hope they didn't get mad lol. We played at 9 in the morning. My new companion was going to play professional soccer but he has a low immunity so they didn't want to pay someone who was going to be sick all the time. He is pretty good. He is excited to play today and so I hope we will. The other elders are doing some other things so I think we will play with them next week or something.

My new companions name is Elder B Fernandes and he is from São Paulo. He plays soccer and went to school for administration but will change it to Odontology when he goes back. He's been on the mission for 10 months and he just became senior last transfer. I like him a lot. He is smart and he is a hard worker. He is a chick magnet so we have to watch out lol. Also this guy tried to kiss him lol so we have to watch out for that too. But I think the next 6 weeks will be great. Last transfer, he was robbed, he got the swine flu, and these girls & guys tried to kiss him lol. He had a difficult last 6 weeks.

IDK when I'll post more pictures. There is one lanhouse that I use that has a memory card reader there so thats when I usually update but its so far away lol. And so I just kinda wait until we have something to do close to there. Because with my camera you need the program or something if you plug it in with the usb cable or something. I dont know.

But miss you too. Hope all is well. Well my time is running short. My computer will turn off in 40 seconds. I hope all is well at home and have a great week. Tell everyone to look at the new site. You can get to it on . I think that is it. But its super good.


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