Wednesday, June 3, 2009

06/03/09 Email

This week has been good. It definitely has been cold. The state below us got snow. And I have been freezing my butt off here lol. I sleep with gloves, sweater, and a beanie. NO JOKE! And we only have one heater. So can you guess where we put it mostly? In the bathroom lol. Its so nice in there. I want to stay in there all day. But... I cant. As for the food here. Its mostly just black beans and rice and meat everyday. LOL just a different type of meat. And sometimes brown beans. YUM! But yeah not much of a selection for food lol its good though. Well some of it, but I eat everything by just smashing it all together. Its all going to the same place anyway right?
As for the packages and letters I have not received them yet because my ZL hasn't checked the mail to give to us and he's not going to until Friday so I wont be able to get them til next week which is dumb. It's been like a month now lol. So I think I might have a lot of writing to do when I finally receive all of my letters.
Thanks for the story, that was really good. I am going to try to translate it so I can use it for a talk or for something during lunch. Will be good. And also thanks for the scripture. Was really good I like it a lot.
The members here are great, they are friendly and nice but its just hard sometimes to get them to give us referrals which I'm sure is hard everywhere but that's what I've been working on this week is a way that we can help them do this.
My companion again is Elder Rodriguez and he knows his scriptures. It's great to learn from him. He is almost done, he only has one transfer after this one. So he will probably get transferred and I will be in the Guabi for another 11 weeks or so. He is from Pernambuco, this is north east of Brazil. He was in a band before he left for his mission so maybe I will learn a little bit of guitar on Pdays??
We only have a couple of investigators right now. John Lennon is one that is really interested but works a lot and then we have Douglass which I think I have told you about. And he is so close to baptism(may 15), we are just praying for him to receive his answer. And then we have Selete and João(john) that are really close as well. We set a goal for 3 wks. Miguel´s wife is a member but he hasn't found the right time to get baptized yet. People here aren't as open to our church, similar to US, but we are still trying to find ways to help them out.
Sunday is like ours back at home 9-12 but sacrament is 11-12 and we only have about 78 in our ward and our goal is 90. So we are working with less actives as well. Mostly everyone just works. They used to play soccer and tennis but I guess its too cold or everyone is getting to busy to go play. But its okay everyone is still awesome.

O yeah we had a division this past week and it was fun. We taught this Muslim guy and a set of brothers. It was good. We had to run, like actually run, from place to place because we were in the city and we had our appointments in 2 totally different places. Kind of sad, but it was a nice little work out. I went with Elder Pulsipher. He is the Zone Leader of my zone. But when we got home, it was already late. It was freezing and Elder Pulsipher's companion only had one blanket and I was so cold. I woke up in the middle of the night like 3 times. And finally I found their heater and plugged it in and put it full blast on me. lol. So I didn't get much sleep that night, but I didn't get sick so that a blessing. There was a car accident in my area and I was about to start directing traffic because I guess the cops are really slow here and there were buses that needed to get places and what not but my companion was like no lol so we didn't. Next time we will be their heroes though. LOL. Welp Tchao.

Thanks everyone for the letters! Take care and I will talk to you next week!
Elder Mitchell

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